
Lexmark 40X2801 Fuser Fuser Kit E250D E250DN E350N E352DN E450DN used

Item number 20002271
EUR 46.99 *
Content 1 piece
Unit price EUR 46.99 / piece
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

- Lexmark Fuser Fuser Fuser 40X2801
- Used equipment fully functional.
- Scope of delivery: Fuser fuser unit in neutral packaging

Lexmark Fuser Fuser Fuser 40X2801


Fuser Fixiereinheit

Manufacturer Lexmark


Manufacturer part number MPN




Article 20002271

Used equipment fully functional.

AC input



E250D E250DN E350D E350N E352DN E450DN

Packaging in neutral packaging
Weight Approx. 2 Kg. ( plus packaging )
Full details
Fuser unit The fuser is a technical component of a laser, color laser printer or photocopier.
It is used to fix the toner previously applied by the developer unit or drum on the paper.

Construction A fusing unit usually consists of three different components: a heating element,
sheathed by the fixing roller, as well as the contact roller, which is usually made of silicone or the like.
This is pressed by springs against the fixing roller.

Functionality The heating element flowing through the electric current heats the fusing roller to a temperature of about 180 °C
and thus forms the basis for being able to melt the toner.
For this purpose, the paper in the fuser unit is pressed against the fixing roller by the contact roller,
as a result of which the toner melts and thus forms a firm connection to the paper.
Both halogen lamps and ceramic elements are used as heating elements.
Both types of heating have advantages and disadvantages. Thus, halogen lamps are cheaper, but have a limited service life.
Ceramic elements heat up faster to operating temperature and have a longer service life, but are slightly more expensive to purchase.

All prices include VAT



Item ID 1000035633
Condition Used
Variation ID 1000035633
Model 40X2801
Manufacturer Lexmark
Content 1 piece
Net weight 2000 g